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Our strategy is to secure high potential ground and projects in the most prospective diamond provinces of Africa being southern Africa, by using our extensive African experience and diamond knowledge. The Botswana Diamonds’ approach to exploration is simple, but rigorous – go where the geology is best, go where there are or were mines and remember that you cannot find a mine in an office. These rules dictate low overheads and an acceptance of political risk in return for better geological opportunities.

As a junior explorer Botswana Diamonds has to be nimble and flexible.  We get good ground and then expand our capabilities by joint venturing with large companies with finance and technology.

Botswana is our home and where our team have previously delivered a mine and where we hold licenses with excellent prospectivity.  We have expanded our reach into South Africa and Zimbabwe as all are underlain by the highly prospective Kaapvaal Craton. The Company’s focus is the identification of new diamondiferous kimberlites opportunities through our joint venture agreements with our partners. We marry new technology with Botswana Diamond’s experience.

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